Thursday, October 28, 2010

Got Marriage????

Ok… For those of you that say marriage is just a piece of paper…Your being deceived by satan…Think about it, God made marriage and anything that is against what GOD intends, is from the devil himself…He hates marriage…
I just went out for my anniversary…What an amazing, amazing night!  My husband is the sweetest man alive…First off, we have not money…Ha! But my sweet in-laws gave us money to go out for a nice dinner...We went on this website and got a sweet deal to the restaurant we ate at the other night…We were able to eat filet mignon, halibut for the entrée, and more…Just for the halibut!! LOL…Got that line from a friend…I know her so well, and I know she wouldn’t want me to put her name to it…

So, we were the only couple in the restaurant with the exception of one other… Our waitress was real nice and personable…As always I was trying to stir the conversation to talk about the Lord, because I always want to know if people believe in JESUS, and if they don’t, I like to ask why (if I get the opportunity).
She was married for 3 years, but didn’t seem to value her marriage much…She talked about how she always wants to punch her husband, how big their house is so they can have their time away from each other if needed, and how she seemed OK to have different days off than he did…Now don’t get me wrong sometimes I want to punch my husband, and need alone time, but hardly ever…I love my husband’s days off…The kids and I long for those days to come each week so we can just love on each other… I didn’t get a chance to ask her if she had a relationship with JESUS, but sometimes you can actually figure it out by their vocabulary or their worldly perspective on things…I could be wrong, I don’t know her heart and it’s not up to me anyway…I just deliver the message...
Which I didn’t get a chance to…Darn it!

We are cracking up in this restaurant having the time of our lives, loving on each other and just being goofy…We’re normally like that anyway, but it was different because we were in awe of what the LORD joined together 9 years ago…It has been the best years of my life…If it wasn’t for the LORD opening my eyes to HIS truth, we would have been divorced…Remember I told you how I wanted it always to be about me in my previous blog post…Marriage is:  GOD first, husband, and then wife, in that order...If it’s any other way, I can promise you this, it will eventually fail, and/or you will not experience the fullness of marriage itself …How can I say that? Oh, I can, and did, because after salvation for me, everything changed…For the better…See, now I get to experience my marriage in a way you cannot understand, or enjoy because it becomes different when JESUS is the center of your marriage…You know what I'm talking about, if HE is...I tell people after I gave my life to CHRIST, I feel in love with my husband even more, and continue to everyday…I praise JESUS for allowing me the privilege to receive HIM as my SAVIOR…HE pulled me from the world, and is transforming me into HIS image…I’m transforming day by day as I spend time in HIS word to live a holy life pleasing to HIM…That’s the focus, JESUS CHRIST…Pleasing HIM first is the key to life…If JESUS didn’t become the center of my life, we would have gotten a divorce…Trust me, it’s true…You see, HIS word never comes back void, because HE says what HE means, if we're obedient...

There are so many different types of marriages out there…Failing marriages, boring marriages, same ol’thing marriages, selfish marriages, disrespectful marriages, routine marriages, just getting by marriages, oblivious marriages, you know what I mean…The fullness and growth is missing, JESUS is missing…HIS word is missing in your marriage…How about those marriages that are hitting the 20 year mark of a pretty awesome marriage…Praise the LORD if you have an awesome marriage! I know the LORD has something to do with it, because HE made you in HIS image and HIS word is written on all of our hearts…That’s why you know the difference between right and wrong…So what am I saying?  I’m saying when trouble comes into your  marriage things change, and that is when the enemy can come into your marriage, and make things worse, and possibly end in divorce…I have seen Christians that love the LORD, have trouble in their marriage, and get a divorce…I have seen Christians that love the LORD, have trouble in their marriage, and stay together…My point is when we renew our minds with GODS word, and continue to be obedient in HIS word, we are striving to be more like JESUS…It is more likely that your marriage will continue to grow, strengthen, and be filled in a way that is different from the worlds view of marriage…GOD can save any marriage if you let HIM… Get in HIS word and see what HE says about it…I have seen him restore, reinforce & shape broken marriages to flourish beyond your imagination, and theirs…
Think about it…We are striving to be like CHRIST!  What other example could you possibly want to follow? HE’Sperfection!
Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight….1 Peter 3:1-4

Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers….1 Peter 3:7

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Jesus first! Simple but yet not so simple. Dying to self is HARD but always worth it!
