Wednesday, January 11, 2012


OK, So who is the sweet person that sent these to me in the mail!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not kidding, I want to know who you are, so I can maul the crap outta you with a New York, JESUS, loving hug!!!!!  It's obviously someone that knows me and knows my address, AND reads my blog....I came home late last night from visiting friends and received a box in the mail from Amazon and this is what was in there...No name on the packing slip, only the item information & the item....My friend told me the person obviously wants to be anonymous, but I still have to try and figure it out...I spoke with some friends already and it's not them...SO WHO IS THIS MASKED PERSON THAT GOT ME!!!! Whoever you are...I LOVE YOU and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!! Seriously, you ARE stinking sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    


  1. Someone sure does know how to gift. What a sweet friend. :)

  2. Someone sure does know how to gift. What a sweet friend. :)

  3. Someone sure does know how to gift. What a sweet friend. :)
