Monday, January 30, 2012


This is not about Trinity, This is not about Trinity!
Today felt like how I use to live before JESUS found me…Broken, searching, hopeless, and running to empty promises and then, literally dying inside…Yes friends…I lost my precious, precious NLT Bible….

Here I was, ready to start a new Monday…This seems familiar…Ha! Got the coffee, gave direction to my kids, kissed my husband and on my way to do my quiet time…NO BIBLE!!!!

As I ran around the house frustrated because my time with the LORD was being interrupted…I silently said in my head, “Where is my d&%n Bible?” Oh my gosh!! I’m so sorry LORD, please, please forgive me!! I was so annoyed at myself…Because, if I would have found my Bible right then and there, I probably would have drowned in the pool of tears from guilt…I still was feeling that way, but I had to search…By this time my husband was wondering what the commotion was about, I told him, and as I went to kiss him again (he was still in bed), I said, “Maybe it’s under the mattress?” What in the world was I thinking? I think my husband was thinking the same thing and sweetly prayed for me…Aahhh, just what I needed, JESUS and my husband to the rescue!!

By this time, my kids were waiting to do Bible with me…I silently prayed, apologized to the LORD about not doing my quiet time and did Bible with my kids…I know, that’s probably the time I should have just grabbed another Bible and did it…But, I didn’t…I know, I’m a jerk! 

After Bible with my boys, I sent out my prayer request for friends to pray I would find it…My BFF Rachel called me immediately, almost in tears, and thought I was talking about Trinity…Hence, the warning sign above…Ha!  

All through the day, I kept racing to places where I might have left it and nothing…I called all the places could think of, and nothing…
My NLT is with me pretty much where ever I go, so I was trying to backtrack…I use NKJV for church, so I knew it was not there…

I know, you can’t believe this long drawn out blog post about a lost Bible…Well, if you read your Bible almost on a daily basis, rely on it as much as I do to live, breath and whatever else that allows me to function with life, then, I know you can relate…

Welp, needless to say, as of right now no Bible found…I’ll probably go an buy another NLT tomorrow…I pray whoever has it, if someone even does, that  JESUS’ Love met them as soon as they opened it….Only HE knows!

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you….Psalm 119:11 (NLT)

Sunday, January 29, 2012


My Marines
As you can see we don't need any security system in our home...We have our very own Marine including a Sniper to watch out for us...LOL...Today was a training day for the young and new Marine...Here we have my oldest Marine training up that little cutie on how to eat M.R.E's...Translation, Meals Ready to Eat! Pretty good stuff too, they had spaghetti with meatballs, beef with mushrooms, and minestrone stew...All compressed in foil lined plastic, pretty cool, huh? 

I'm compelled to say they are Marines, because my husband is one of the "few and the proud". I pray if the LORD calls my boys to serve their country, I pray they turn out just like their dad...

 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.   For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.  Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience..
Romans 13:1-5

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Soft, pink and fluffy...Sound like a girly girl thing?  
And all for my little Lovely...

A GREAT friend (Sydra) of mine came to the hospital to visit Trinity with me and brought a beautiful poster from her kids, a coloring page from her daughter that read, "JESUS loves you" and one of those black, white, and red toys that clip onto a car seat or even a crib...All Sydra had to do was shake this thing and Trinity was locked in....Trinity was so comforted by it..We had such a sweet time visiting her...Trinity couldn't take her eyes off of it...It was Sydra's daughter's and now Trinity got to have it....So Sweet!!

Today, another SWEET friend of mine visited Trinity with me (Dawn)...Trinity was having a bad day today...She has a lot of secretion in her lungs and so this makes it very uncomfortable for Trinity...The poor thing cries with tears, but no sound comes out because she has a tube down her throat...Well, Dawn just picked up that toy from Sydra and shook it the whole time to comfort Trinity...It worked most of the time...

Sooooo,  the point of my picture, is that Sydra inspired me to go buy a few things for Trinity's room at the hospital...I asked the staff if I could bring a mobile in to keep her somehow stimulated....The butterfly mobile is so cute...I can't wait to hang it up...I really hope I can pull it off....The butterflies hang with an invisible string so they look like their flying....The little stuffed animal lights up the room with moon and stars glowing...And of course, last but not least, more pretty bows for my Lovely!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

(366-27) P52 Week 4 | Self-Portrait

OK, this was really a challenge for me...Surprise, surprise, I don't like photos of me...They always come out weird or ugly...I know, I'm not ugly, but some photos, (especially when a certain someone takes them of me, ahem) really make me look terrible...This wasn't sooo bad...I just had to edit it so much because for SOME reason all of my pics were blurry today...I need a photography lesson...I like it better in black & white, and I look better in black & white...HA! And you know why...HA, again! 

Anyway, I sported my Saved in Vegas shirt....This is a ministry that is slowly taking off...It's a website of testimonies of people that who saved by JESUS in Vegas...Hence, the name, Saved in Vegas...I chose the color red, well, because that is the color my KING shed for me!! If you want, you can check out my testimony and other testimonies on the website....It's pretty cool, take a look around....Go to the "Who" page and you can see my name and read how I got saved....


That's it!!!! Old school it is...I've been through top of the line, bottom of the line and now, back at the old school school stuff...
Really people, a $20 pencil sharpener that plugs in, and still don't sharpen pencils?  I'm done!! My husband convinced me to get this...I kept telling him "no thanks honey", then it went to "get what you want."  Well guess what?  I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! It even sharpens color pencils awesome!! It sounds and has the feel of when I went to school...Um, well, let's not talk about that....
Anyway, here it is, I'm so proud of it...Ha!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I really like this shot...Not only because it's of my amazing husband, but because it's just cool looking...Well I think it is...That's not really saying much....HA! I took this when we were in the backyard by the fire pit roasting marsh mellows...I was trying to practice with some night photography, but it didn't happen for me...So this was the result after some editing...Cool huh?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Edit Me 2012-Week 4

The top photo is from I'm doing an editing challenge and so here is my edit on her photograph below.....
Obviously I cropped the heck out of it...I only did that because of the glare on the top of the photo, I really wanted to focus on the gorgeous baby...Used my rotating tool to tilt the photo a bit...I actually airbrushed this little sweeties face, added color to his lips and eyes...Then after all of that I hit my cross processing tool and faded it just a bit...Softened the edges & put a thin frame around it....Whatta think?  I think he's staring at the light of JESUS upon him :)


I promise this book is not a bad influence...Ha! I found that book when I ordered our science book "Backyard Ballistics" for this year...It's technically not a curriculum, but my husband is teaching science and that's what he chose to do...I think it's like engineering/mechanics kind of science..I'll take what I can get...I don't do science, and I probably never will, as long as my husband is around...

Monday, January 23, 2012

366-22 & 23

What more could a home school, JESUS loving mother ask for from her kids? 

We are trying to do some kind of school since dealing with Trinity's condition...And so, today we started...(as you can see I took a break already..Ha!!)

We finished up our Bible lesson, (which by the way I love so much, I might do it next year) and then the boys right their own Psalm to the LORD....The first photo is my favorite 8 yr old Mikey, thinking of which one of the million blessings he's thankful for...The 2nd photo is my favorite 9yr old Matthew looking in the thesaurus for words that describe the awesomeness of GOD!! He always starts out with, "Dear Lord, You are.....Awesome, Wonderful, Beautiful, etc..."

It blesses my heart to see the growth and development of my boys' relationship with the LORD...Oh, how I envy any young soul to know the LORD at such a young age!!! How wonderful are HIS promises when we are obedient to HIS Will....

Deuteronomy 6:7  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I'm sorry to those of you who prayed for Trinity..I literally just got home about an hour ago...I was at the hospital for 6 hours, rushed home to pick up my boys and spend time with them because they had a sleep over...I went by my church to see a friend and then we went out for sushi...YUM...OK, so Trinity is doing AWESOME!!! She got her pacemaker put in with no problems...The pacer is working her heart the way they need it to...She is getting the ventilator off tonight and will start to be weened off the meds she is on...Praise JESUS!!! I'm so thankful for all the prayers Trinity has received...Each time I talk to someone about Trinity they would tell me how they forwarded these messages to other people around the country...Tonight at my church a sweet lady told me she forwarded it to Thailand & the Philippians!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought this was just nation-wide...I should have know better, when it comes to the name of JESUS it's bound to be worldwide...It blessed my heart so much...Please, please, now take the time to be in worship and praise to JESUS for HIS and only HIS healing hand HE put on Trinity...And, please thank HIM for hearing your prayers!! He may have used your specific prayer for healing...The power in prayer is bigger than we could ever imagine, so please, please, please, I beg you to remember JESUS and to thank HIM....He is in control of everything....Please know that if each and every one of you were in front of me right now, I would just love and hug all of you if it was possible for me to do so...THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! Trinity will still need prayer, so will her birth mom, me, my hubby and my boys....This could be a long drawn out experience as we continue to foster Trinity....Our ultimate goal is to adopt as many children as the LORD will allow...Praise to JESUS and may HE pour HIS sweet, loving blessings on you all!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

(366-20) P52 Week 3-"I Dreamed A Dream"

I dreamed a dream and it came TRUE!!!! And ONLY by the Grace of GOD does it still remain a true love story for me, after 10 years! It truly is a dream come true...I couldn't think anything worthwhile enough to attend college...So here I am with more than what I could ever ask for...A wife, a mother, and best of all, a daughter to the KING!! Whatta life!


I LOVE when my boys remember things from previous school years! It's probably all that hands on stuff they remember...I guess I better do more of it...We did American History when Matthew was in 2nd Grade and Mikey was in 1st Grade...We talked about where "Hasty Pudding" came from when we sang the song, "Yankee Doodle"!  I made some this morning...I think I made it wrong because they didn't like it!! It's now in my fridge for another recipe experiment for tomorrow's breakfast....Hope that one works out! HA!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Just waiting for my little Lovely to get soon be back home, so I can dress her all up....These are just some of the clothes little Lovely gets to wear...Thanks to family & friends! They really hooked me up!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Edit Me 2012-Week 3

 The top photo is from artsy girl collection...I'm doing an editing challenge and so here is my edit on her photograph below.....

The editing program I use is "Picnik" and here is how I edited this photo:

 1-Cropped out the little dingy on the left...
 2-Used an effect called "lomo-ish and jacked up the blur edges to  
    100% , but no fade used... 
 3-Then I went to my doodle button and colored in specific parts of  
     the boat and umbrella off to the left...

This is my first time doing this so I hope I followed all the rules right...I guess someone will let me know ;)


BOYS will be BOYS.....Love them!

Monday, January 16, 2012


I love this picture...We went to a bee expo with the home school group a few days ago...They couldn't wait to get to the top and slide down the railings...I don't know who came up with this, but I thought it was a great idea...Their faces are priceless....LOL....

Sunday, January 15, 2012

366-14 & 15

Can I even come close to emulate GOD’S love?  

Just a quick update for the ones following my blog…I took my little Lovely to the hospital Friday night because, well, she just wasn’t right…Long story short….They checked her, and then admitted her because her heart was working too hard and they were worried…After 24 hours, she has been poked, jabbed, stuck and finally intubated !!! Her heart is not functioning properly…They are not sure what the problem is just yet…The cardiologist & the pacemaker doctor are trying to figure out if the problem is the pacemaker or her weak muscles in her heart… If it’s the pacemaker, they will put a bigger one in…This wasn’t supposed to happen until she got a little bigger, but they may not have a choice…If it’s her heart….Well…Heart transplant…GOD IS  SOVEREIGN, GOD IS SOVEREIGN…GOD IS SOVEREIGN….I truly know this and as I mentioned before, I am NOT worried when my JESUS is in control…Peace, unbelievable Peace! 

So, that’s the update with Trinity’s health…It’s was more dramatic than your reading, trust me…

Now the other issue…

Trinity’s birth mom is here…As I wept for my little Lovely I get a call from the case worker that Trinity’s mom is in town and wants her baby!   Trinity’s mom is coming to the hospital to see her baby…Trinity’s mom, has to sign a consent form for Trinity to allow the doctors to do what they need to…Trinity’s mom is so young she has a foster mom…

Can you imagine the scene that is about to take place?  Here I am in the hospital caring for MY Lovely, weeping over her, supporting her, loving her, having family and friends come and support me at the hospital, making meals for my family, bringing me food in the hospital, etc. etc. etc…..And then in walks Trinity’s mom…Trinity looks just like her…I introduce myself and walk with her to see her baby…She walks in and weeps!! I comfort her, and tell her to go and touch her baby…She is overwhelmed, I am overwhelmed…What do I do now??????? JESUS! Really, please tell me what I should do?  What do I say?

After we walked out of the room we went to the parents lounge…It was different I have to say…What would I say?? This girl probably never had a chance to feel the love that we so take for granted…I said the only thing I knew to say as I watch her with her hands in her face…”Look at me, JESUS loves you so much and don’t you forget it…JESUS loves Trinity more than you do and HE is in control of this all...Cling to HIM and don’t you let go.” She smiled and then cried, I think she did…I know I was crying and so was Rachel (My BFF) ..

So at this point, I’m so emotionally exhausted… I find out I’m not allowed to stay with my Lovely because Trinity’s mom just got an approval that  she could stay overnight…At first, I was upset, but quickly accepted it…Because, really, she should be there too…I go home and literally attach myself to my family…It felt so good…After resting up, I shower get ready, and head over to now see my Lovely and the mom…Trinity lay there lifeless in her little bed…Trinity’s mom was there in the room watching TV…I came in kissed on Trinity and spoke with Trinity’s mom…She is really soft spoken and sweet…What more can I do?  How long do I stay?  What more do I say?  I asked Trinity’s mom if I could pray with her and she let me…I left, came home, attached myself to my family again and forgot my husband’s 40TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!  Yes, you heard it I forgot my sweet, loving, husband’s 40th....

That’s the update….After I post this I’m going back up to see my Lovely with my husband and boys…I wonder what will come of all this….I still ask………..

Can I even come close to emulate GOD’S love?  Boy, is this hard!

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me....Galatians 2:20