Monday, October 22, 2012


Catchin up...Not doing to bad...Only 5 photos behind...

Good times, good times...We had a "Minute To Win It" game for the kids in the home school group...Definitely, not put together my me...These moms make it happen...They are a true blessing...It's a lot of work...

This first one is a crack up...My son, the great sport he is was in a group with all girls...He doesn't even blink an eye...Apparently, he knows nothing about pantyhose with control top...LOL...The idea of this particular game was to put the pantyhose on your head like my Bella-girl on the right...Inside the leg of the pantyhose was a softball...You had to use your head to swing the softball back and forth so that you could knock over the water bottles in a "minute"... 

Everyone got a kick out of my son, the thief!

 My son is such a goofball...

Just a fun photo...

 Need I say more...


  1. You are right! He is a goofball....just like his mudder..
    Love the candy shot and of course the baby doll! So cute!

  2. Pass the M&M's...

    I love Minute to Win it!
