Monday, December 27, 2010

A miracle right before my eyes (Part 3)

I continue to be filled with the thoughts of that evening…My emotions kept coming back to those ladies over the next few days…On my knees I went to pray and worship in thanksgiving to my sweet precious LORD… And then the LORD said, “Feed them.”  Once again HIS Spirit jumped inside me, and I found myself coordinating Christmas morning breakfast for them...  "I don’t have any money LORD, and there's 300 of them”, How is this possible?  "I fed 5000, I can feed 300 HE said." Whew!! Right, I’ll get right on that LORD :)

After sharing with just one friend what the LORD desired of me, there it was, Christmas breakfast paid for, IN FULL….No questions asked!! Praise my JESUS…OK, now to set up a team to get it all together…I made another phone call, there it was, Christmas breakfast team ready for serving…No questions asked!! I love my friends…You know who you are, my sweet, beautiful, amazing, friends…

Great! Now all I have to do is call the facility and ask if anyone else is coming in to serve them Christmas breakfast…And the answer is: “Nope, no one is” and “Yes, please do” :) This is the same girl I’ve been dealing with all along…She graciously asks me if we would be able to do Christmas Eve dinner instead of Christmas morning breakfast…She told me that a church was suppose to come in and serve Christmas Eve dinner, but was not able to raise up enough people for it, so if I could, she would rather Christmas Eve dinner instead…So here I am already a little nervous about coordinating this Christmas morning breakfast, and I hear my voice say, “Maybe we can do both!!” Oh, my gosh, did I just say that?  She says, “WOW, that’s incredible.”  I said, “Oh no, wait let me get back to you, but I think I can pull this off.”  I get off the phone looking up at the LORD thinking I didn’t say that LORD :)  "I fed 5000, I can feed 300...And twice."   
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 

OK, Deep breaths in, deep breaths out…Ok, ok, ok….

So long story short…I sent out an email for the needs of this Christmas Eve dinner project, and it was done…People from all over the Valley stepped up…5 different churches were involved…And it went so smoothly…It was such a sweet blessing to be on this end of it, and being able to  listen to the hearts of GODS people wanting to serve this facility…When we dropped off the food some ladies were praising JESUS and some were crying with tears of joy…We left with our hearts filled with the peace of GOD knowing these 300 women and children would be blessed…Whatta feeling?  I couldn’t wait to get up the next morning to serve them breakfast, and get to talk to them on the day CHRIST was born! 

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 

There are so many blessings to this story I thought it would just be 2 parts…The LORD is amazing and continues to show HIS mighty hand in so many details I just can’t leave anything out…So there will be a part 4, which will be the end of this Christmas Miracle and it’s soooo good…Just give me a few days….Praise, Honor and Glory to the KING!!

1 comment:

  1. start posting now girl! It was a blessing to be apart of it! Love you so much!
