Thursday, December 2, 2010

Countless Blessings

My first blessing was to have my best friend from NY visit me with her daughter…The rest of her family met here to celebrate Thanksgiving with their dad…My second blessing was to have her, her niece, and their daughters come to church with me and my family…I was a bit disappointed because my pastor was not teaching the service that morning, and I really wanted my friends to hear a good message…I explained to my friends that I was disappointed because I actually had a hard time following the teaching for myself, and I really wanted them to get a feel for what my church is about… My best friend reminded me about the teaching my pastor did the last time she was here, and that he talked about death…I remember the day… An hour after that service, 2 years ago, was when her mom past away…And in the same breath, she revealed to me she had given her life to JESUS!!
Now let HIM sanctify you girl, and we’ll be good!  I love you my friend…

Third blessing…I saw Johnny!!! Oh gosh, I almost attacked him, again…Does he have any idea how excited I was? I mean really, he probably thinks I’m nuts with how I react when I see him…I hope he gets it one day, and doesn’t just think I’m a psycho…Anyway, I’m walking out of church with my family, and my best friend is staring at me wondering what the heck I am looking at….I had to literally come to the front of this SUV to make sure I was seeing right…And there he was looking right at me as if I was a weirdo….I said, “Johnny, do you remember me?” “Yeah,” with a chuckle…I hugged him and told him I’ve been praying for him, and I was so excited to see him at church…It was the first church service he had come to since our harvest festival in October…I also found out that he went to the baptism that day, and some of his family members got baptized, but he did not…Not yet…Ha!  So please keep praying for my dear friend Johnny…I say dear friend like he knows me…Ha! 
I’m not going to continue to number the blessings in this blog post because there are so many within each paragraph…You’ll know the blessing when you read it :)… So the week continues on with my other best friend Rachel...We hooked up with her and her church to hand out Thanksgiving meals to the “needy”…This was such an organized event, it made it so much more exciting…So we have 3 houses to deliver to…All I will say is that my main purpose in doing this was to make sure these families hear the name of JESUS…Even though it didn’t look like they were physically in need, I know GOD will use that night to fill their spiritual needs…Can’t wait to do it again next year…

We celebrated Thanksgiving on Wednesday…3 turkey’s, 2 hams, and everything else…
What a tremendous night!! It blessed my heart to serve each one of the people at my home…I love entertaining, and I love when it’s all for JESUS…Even though there were so many different types of personalities, everyone had a great time... I know that each person felt the blessings of the LORD upon them…We finish off the blessings of Thanksgiving on the actual day by handing out a few meals to the homeless...It was sweet to be able to show our boys the needs of the needy, but sad watching them walk aimlessly in the cold……Then, our night ended in a quiet Thanksgiving dinner with family…So the point of my blog this week…Sweet, sweet, blessings…I have so many, all the time that I don’t deserve…Come to think of it, every day I wake up there’s more blessings than I can count…Now that’s what I call JESUS!!
 From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another….
John 1:16

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