Saturday, April 30, 2011


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If you know me, then you know I am afraid of dogs! Well, just big dogs...BUT, everyone I talk to says they always got bit by little dogs and most big dogs don't bite...I can defend myself with little dogs, not big ones...
I don't know what happened to me over the years, but I am afraid of BIG dogs...I grew up with German Shepard's so I really don't know what my problem is now...I think since I became a mother I started to be afraid....When my boys were younger they wouldn't realize the things they use to do to the nice "doggie"...Dogs don't speak, so when my kids would be hurtful  to the dogs (not meaning to) the dog would snap at them to tell them to, "please stop sticking that in my......!" You get the picture...So no matter how gentle the dog is, I soon realized that's their only communication... So I guess you can say I don't trust any dogs...
So here is my in-laws dog Ziva she's only 8 months old and weighs 80lbs...Help me JESUS! I'm not completely afraid of her, but I do get nervous watching my 7 yr. old play with her...He literally rolls around wrestling with her and I see her mouth open wide around my sons little lanky arm and it makes me cringe...He lovesss to play with her and she seems to be playing too, but my father-in-law assures me that Ziva is very gentle...UGH...Nowww, that you see the pictures, can't you understand me????

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm liking the cloning tool...A bit challenging, but fun!


I've been doing this bible study on my own, a little to long (Which means, I need to be in my quiet time more). Anyway, the bible study is called, "Managing Your Moods"...Pretty fitting for me, if you know me...It's really been helping me lately with, yes, you guessed it, managing my moods...Ha! GOD has also used this study to open my eyes about who we are as humans, and our hearts (Yuck)...The chapter I'm on is called, "The Doldrums"...Mary Graham used an analogy of how much she loves plants...She said if she doesn't spritz, dust, and fertilize the plants, the plants can get along okay without...BUT, if she forgets to water it, it just shrivels up and dies....The end...That is why most of her plants are philodendrons...What is philodendron you ask? I had to look it up myself...It's pretty much a plant that is virtually indestructible...She said they even bounce back if you forget to water them for a week or so...

Here is what I loved most about my quiet time today...She writes....

Sometimes, I think my heart is like a philodendron, because I don't always take good care of it.  It gets dusty with disuse, and I forget to feed it...Worse, I withhold it from GOD,  and it suffers time of drought.  But whenever I come to my senses and return to the LORD my heart is soaked in living water and revives!!!

HE'S always waiting to pour HIMSELF out no matter how long we take...What an awesome GOD!!

"For I will pour out water to quench your thirst and to irrigate your parched fields.  And I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants, and my blessing on your children".....Isaiah 44:3 

Sunday, April 24, 2011


It doesn't matter how many different ways you look at it, it's all the same...The price has been paid...Believe!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Resurrection Rolls!

The tomb IS really empty! We had such a sweet time making these...A bit sticky but yummy...HE LIVES!
(This is not part of my 365 Project-But feel free to comment anyway)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

365-110 & 111

Seriously? Those are the most beautiful ears in the world! You have to see me sometimes with them...I'm like the Italian mother that squeezes their cheeks in awe of how stinkin cute they are....Wait! I am that Italian Mother....LOL!


I don't know what kind of plant, flower, or bush, this is but I think it's pretty cool looking!! Any dibs on what it is?

Always an Adventure!

So again we went on the same hike as Friday, yet this day was exceptionally different.  I was accompanied by my BFF, her kids, their grandma, a friend, and my BFF’S pastor’s wife and her kids…My husband was able to come along this time…Blessing…It’s so funny to me how he can hang with a bunch of woman and still take hold of his manhood…Although, he did walk a quarter mile ahead of us…Ha!

The adventure for the day was to get to the waterfall again for swimming… Everyone was ready to go with their swimsuits until we got out of the car… It was a wind storm waiting for us…We were wrapping the towels around us that were supposed to be used for drying our kids off, because the wind made it chilly…Really it wasn’t that bad it was only about a mile to the waterfall…

The adventure continued on our way home…We see 2 hitch-hikers…My oldest son said, “Mom, that’s illegal.” “Yes, son it is.”  “So babe, should we pick them up?, Do you have your gun, I say to my husband?” We both smirked undecided and I said, “Nah, you have to get to work.”  These hitch-hikers looked exactly like their label…They were hikers and needed a hitch…U-turn! When we pulled up they had big white smiles and seemed excited to see us…We then found ourselves excited to see them…It was soo cool…The one guy Jordan, is a photographer!! Can you believe it?  I was drooling with questions, but didn’t want to seem like a fan wanting an autograph… When I told him I’m a wanna-be photographer he didn’t even flinch, as if I was a nobody and he was a somebody, he humbly seemed excited for me…I asked him if he was a “famous” photographer that I didn’t know and if he was, I’m embarrassed because I don’t know any “famous” photographers…Humbly, he said no…His friend on the other hand smiled and said, “I wouldn’t agree.” 

Skander is his name and he, my friends, is an avid rock climber, ice climber (whatever that is. Ha! ) hiker, skier and probably more than that, kind of guy! Just as sweet as Jordan… Apparently, their car broke down and they needed to hitch a ride to the auto shop to pick it up…The conversation flowed like we knew each other for years…The experiences these young guys had, have and will have was so interesting, I felt myself on the edge of my seat listening to where their next stop would be…I believe Utah… We dropped them off at the auto shop, said our goodbyes, and headed on our way… Before our journey ended I did ask about their Salvation…My family and I prayed for their safety, and Salvation for one of them, the other was saved… My prayer for them is that they saw JESUS in us, and not just a nice family doing a nice thing... I thank them for letting us be a part of their journey...

If you want to know more about these adventurous guys check out their website and

And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. Hebrews 13:16 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I always wanted to do this...I was waiting for my husband in the car with my kids and we were playing around with the camera...The 1st shot I realized my side mirror was dirty so my boys helped me clean it...Even cleaning a dirty mirror with my boys is fun...Blessed!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

365-106 & 107

The Birthday Girl...No, not mine, although I wish she was...I am her udder mutha, thou...So I think...Ha!
And NO, I did not make the cake or the cupcakes, her mom did...So basically nothing belongs to me in these photos, except the extra weight on my "beeeeppppp" after eating that yummy, sweet cake & cupcakes! Hope that didn't offend anyone... I kind of thought it was funny as I typed it...You would too if you saw it...LOL!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Faith like a child, huh?

I often want to be a child again just to have the amazing faith they do…We as adults are so conditioned to this world we often get distracted and don’t have faith at all in certain circumstances…For those of you who may not know what that means, it basically says in the Bible to humble yourself to the KING, surrender and let it all go, give it to HIM, and that is faith like a child...Ya, think you can do it? Can you give it all up for the Kingdom? EVERYTHING and EVERYONE if HE was to ask? Pretty tough, huh…I say I do and hope I would…The funny thing is, JESUS knows us and how weak we are! Thank HIM for Grace & Mercy...

Faith like a child reminded me of my child today…Such faith...So simple, so honest, so innocent… Easy for them, right?

So, I’m on this awesome hike today with my home school group…We’re enjoying this incredible waterfall that was in the middle of the desert (Only GOD can do that). I met this new girl in my group, she is awesome…Her son asked her for something without using his manners…And here is how the conversation went…

MY SON:    “You shouldn’t talk to your mom like that, you should say, may I    
                please have some.”

THE MOM:  “That’s right, son.”

I SAY:         “Don’t worry Sweetie, sometimes my son corrects me when I
                  don’t use my manners.”

MY SON:     “Yeah, the other day, my mom said the “S” word and I told her
                     Mom, your scaring me…Then she told me to “shut up.”

I SAY:          ----------------------------------------------

Faith like a child, huh?  Honesty too…I actually laughed when he threw me under the bus to this new friend...How could I explain myself to her?  I'm glad she graciously understood where I was coming from...LOL...
I was so frustrated the day it happened too...The beauty of this whole story, is I really was not embarrassed or ashamed when he told her…I had already been embarrassed and ashamed when my LORD heard it come right out of my mouth…I cried out to the LORD begging for forgiveness and asking HIM to strengthen me to be a godly example to my precious boys…Faith like a child, huh? They are so forgiving, so sweet and so quick to put a smile back on their faces when they see Mom repenting and praying to the LORD…I thanked the LORD for that moment with my kids to pray with them and ask them for forgiveness too…What a sweet life! I can't think of another place I would rather be...On earth that is...

Matthew 18:2-4  He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them.  And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. 


Another great day with my boys! We went on this awesome hike today...In the middle of the desert with no shade, the sun beating down, and 1 mile in, we hit a beautiful waterfall...Isn't GOD awesome with HIS creation?  The pictures are not the best quality, and I was having a hard time with to much light coming in my photos...I still don't know what I am doing yet, but I am trying...And guess what? Even though I don't take the best quality pictures all the time, I RARELY shoot in auto ;) Oh yeah, that's right, uh huh, you know it!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Paper guns? Pretty creative, huh...To bad it wasn't their idea! But, I am so blessed when they decide to be creative instead of picking up the video game remote!  Then I get, "Mom, Mom, after your run tomorrow morning please go to the store and buy more of this paper we HAVE to make more."  I love kids!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

365-93, 94, 95, 96 ,97

Our trip to California & Cabo was amazing in so many ways...We experienced more of GOD'S wonderful creation, we realized the diversity in this world, we realized the importance of spending more time together as a family, I realized how busy I've been and how much I missed my husband, And that no matter the differences in this world we can be one in CHRIST no matter where we are! More pics to come :)

365-90, 91, 92

Leaving San Diego Port

Heading toward Cabo

Literally, in the middle of nowhere

Our fabulous vacation on the Carnival Spirit Cruise Line to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011


We have been a busy family...Sorry for the delay with the pictures, I hope no one forgot about me...The next blog posts will be what me and my family have been doing for the past few weeks....What a sweet blessing this was to experience! This is my new sister-in-law... My family and I experienced a different kind of wedding celebration...Vietnamese-Style! It was a sweet tradition we enjoyed being a part of!!