If you know me, then you know I am afraid of dogs! Well, just big dogs...BUT, everyone I talk to says they always got bit by little dogs and most big dogs don't bite...I can defend myself with little dogs, not big ones...
I don't know what happened to me over the years, but I am afraid of BIG dogs...I grew up with German Shepard's so I really don't know what my problem is now...I think since I became a mother I started to be afraid....When my boys were younger they wouldn't realize the things they use to do to the nice "doggie"...Dogs don't speak, so when my kids would be hurtful to the dogs (not meaning to) the dog would snap at them to tell them to, "please stop sticking that in my......!" You get the picture...So no matter how gentle the dog is, I soon realized that's their only communication... So I guess you can say I don't trust any dogs...
So here is my in-laws dog Ziva she's only 8 months old and weighs 80lbs...Help me JESUS! I'm not completely afraid of her, but I do get nervous watching my 7 yr. old play with her...He literally rolls around wrestling with her and I see her mouth open wide around my sons little lanky arm and it makes me cringe...He lovesss to play with her and she seems to be playing too, but my father-in-law assures me that Ziva is very gentle...UGH...Nowww, that you see the pictures, can't you understand me????