Sunday, November 4, 2012


I'm rethinking this 365 day project, cause, well, it kinda keeps me on my toes...I'm afraid if I don't do it I won't post pictures...Then if I do it, and post everyday,  I hesitate to post random pictures so it won't cause any confusion to the number for the day...But really, do people pay attention to the numbers I post...I think not...


For 2 months I waited for this event...I talked and talked about it...I promoted it telling friends and family  how awesome the glow show was going to be...How fun it will be to watch hot air balloons glow high up in the sky...My camera was ready, I was ready, my boy's were ready...And then, it comes...But, not what I expected or hoped for....It was kinda lame....I was expecting the balloons to light up and float off into the sky looking beautiful....Welp, the balloons never left the ground...Ha!


People were packed around the balloons waiting for them to take off...Instead they filled up the balloons and  just stood there looking pretty....They had them glowing to a 1-2-3 song and randomly each balloon would light up...I couldn't for the life of me get my camera to work....I so wanted to shoot in manual, but couldn't get my camera to take the shot...I put it in automatic and still had trouble...I found myself pushing down on the shutter button thinking if I press hard enough it will shoot...I saw tons of photographers with their "big" cameras and lenses along with their tripod...I knew a slow shutter was required for the best shot, but I had 4 kids and a baby in the stroller...Gimme a break! 

Anyway, the night was awesome...I ended up meeting with an awesome family and we both knew the guy who coordinated this event...He gave all of us free tickets for the carnival rides...Huge blessing...The kids had fun and so did I...


  1. Looks really cool! Who are the two big boys? Is that Bella?
    Where was this event at?

  2. I wonder what was up with your camera?

    I've been to one balloon event and loved it.

    Keep posting pictures....;-)
