Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I'm tryin ova hea!! I can't seem to keep up lately...
My BFF over at http://kim-ohforheavenssake.blogspot.com/ 
keeps hounding me to get on it with my photos...
She told me to go "wash the dog", this is a private joke, 
sorry can't share! Ha!

Monday night we were blessed with 6 tickets to the LV51 game right behind home plate...The seats were awesome! AND we were able to bless a father and son waiting on line to by tickets...I love when the LORD allows us to pay it forward!! 

We are not really into baseball, but we are into being a family...It ended up being a really blessed time... The boys weren't to excited about it, but after hanging out and talking to the father and son next to us, they started getting interest....So now we want the tickets when they come up again...

I really didn't take many pictures of the game because I was more interested in taking pictures of my sweet family!!!  Some of them came out blurry, but I had to post them anyway because I like the way I came out...Finally-a decent picture...Ha!

 My boys are goofballs...Just like their dad...Oh, and that is Cosmo the mascot and 2 guys spinning their heads on a bat and sprinting afterwards...Hahahah!


  1. Good for Kim for getting on you! I love seeing your pictures. Lovely family shots! And baby girl is getting so big!

  2. Great pictures! I love them all! And I love you!!!! Now how is your running??
