Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I'm catchin up with da pictures hare!

Look at those beauties!! Seriously, late 30's, early 40's is definitely a new trend in our generation...I would think the world's point of view would look at my beautiful friends, and would have to agree on how beautiful they are...They might even say they have seen beauties in their late 30's, early 40's...BUT, there is a difference with these beauties! Just look a little bit closer....Ah-ha, I see it..Wanna know the difference?? Inner Beauty-JESUS' Beauty...His Spirit, His Love, and everything about HIM flows through every core of their being...HE'S Beauty, and that is why they are! 

We had such a great time for Rachel's birthday...Pedicures and dinner...Great night, great friends, great food...What more could we want?  Bachi Burger is where we were at....Gourmet burgers with and Asian twist...Really, really yummy...

I love my friends and praise JESUS for all of you!

Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.


Wow...I just checked on http://knit1kids4.wordpress.com/ because she is always up to date on which day of the year it is for photos...And I soon found out how behind I am....If your posting a picture a day for the year, today is day 213! Clearly, I need to catch up....I'm getting there, though...I'll be posting a few more pictures after this post, well, prayerfully! 

Here are my sweet boys and manly husband...They had just returned from an overnight backpacking trip! I have to admit I had a little anxiety...All I pictured all day and night was something happening to my husband and my boys being alone...Then, it was my Mikey wondering off and loosing my husband and being alone...And then of course, thoughts of Matthew being alone....
As I went about my day these thoughts from SATAN!! kept coming and going...BUT, my LORD was right there assuring me that HE is in control, not satan...HE told me I love them more than I ever could imagine, and to trust HIM...Oh, thank you JESUS, I do trust you, I'd say!  I prayed throughout the day for the LORD to give me Peace, and HE did...Because reality is, HE'S in control...And if HE wanted to allow something to happen to them, it's for HIS glory and HIS purposes and I NEED to trust in HIM...I would much rather trust and worship the KING of the universe, than anyone or anything else in this world!

It's funny how much I love JESUS, how I live my life trying to please HIM, how my life decisions & choices are centered around HIS Word, and yet I still allow the thoughts of satan to go to and fro in my mind...Gosh, I don't know how people do it without the joy and peace of the HOLY SPIRIT...I guess they can think "positive" and change their thought process...That isn't enough for me-I NEED, WANT and DESIRE my LORD JESUS' presence dwelling in my heart...What if tragedy really hits? Will "positive" thoughts help them then? I've seen the outcome of tragedy through believer's and unbeliever's...Oh how I pray they would come to know the LORD, HIS Love and HIS Perfect Peace!!!

So all the world from east to west will know there is no other God.  I am the Lord, and there is no other. I create the light and make the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the Lord, am the one who does these things. Isaiah 45:6-7

Thursday, July 26, 2012


I know, I know...My blog...What have I been doing?  To many things to list and not enough time for pictures...Grrrr! I haven't been bringing my camera with me lately...I don't have anything else to take pictures of around my house that I already have taken pictures of...Then it dawned on me...Oh, I have a beautiful family...HA! 

Well, here is a beautiful picture of my sweet Mikey...He will be 9 yrs. old. next month...I could have posted it SOOC, but I had some time to get fancy...Don't tell him I used the lip tint on his lips...HA!

ANDDDD this next photo is the actual day I met my husband (notice the date 08/27/00) I was out partying that night here in Vegas on vacation, when I still lived in New York...What a night! Love at first site, truly it was...I never thought 12 yrs later I would still be married and more in love than I was when we first met, have JESUS as my Savior, 2 amazing boys and fostering to adopt more children...I AM SO RICH!!! Thank you JESUS!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


My girl KIM sent this to me...I was blown away at the thought of what the family must being going through...
This evil act, clearly the work of the devil, is done...GOD'S glory will shine through on so many levels...HE reigns forever, HE is faithful, HE is in control, and HE will be GLORIFIED!!! Praise you JESUS for your Power, Mercy and Love!!!!!


Friday, July 6, 2012


Hey I'm not doing so bad...I'm only 7 pictures behind, and by tomorrow I will owe my blog 5 pictures to catch up...I can do it...I'm probably never going to stop the 365/366...Keeps me accountable...Here are the only 4th of July pictures worth posting, and there not even that good...UGH! It was hard...I need help!